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Yes, Believe it or not, I actually have FAN ART!! WOO-HOO!!

Shannon Traska of Jobeth created this 3D masterpiece of a NEKKID GAUR! It's shameful and brazen, see the Gaur wallow in it's wanton headonism! Otherwise, it's truly cool. Lee Herold of Chopping Block fame, got tired of my endless fanart submissions to him, so he shut my a$$ up with this.. this... masterpiece. If I ever get rich, I'm going to pay him to draw the whole series. That'll learn him.
This (huge and kick-a$$) picture was done by Shay from Protection. Also, go to Adventurers, who are also featured in the pic. This is a series of pics by Ferretgirl of Doc, 6 in all!!
Shannon Traska, (Jobeth) who drew the fabulous Gaur at the top, started to build the ITV Fizzing Bob for me. In memorial, I suppose. Either way, it's excellent Brian Cooke says he was looking for fantasy art and wandered into my neck of the web and liked FS, so he drew this great pic. Given how cool Vox looks in this pic, I'd say he should consinder doing sci-fi.
Faraway Stars and all characters/concepts contained within are the intellectual property of Brian West aka Tirdun. All persons depicted within are unrelated to anyone else in the known universe, any similarities are unlikely and unintentional and so on unless being used in fair use/parody format. These pages are viewable on any browser on any platform capable of looking at a page 700 pixels wide with pictures in 256 colors, since that's how big the comic (and pretty much everything else) is. I happen to like Opera, but you're probably reading this at work on the Internet Explorer your IS/IT department slammed onto your poor machine without pity. I'm sorry. If you have a text browser or are stuck at 640x480, then your system just sucks too much for me to bother. We do have a privacy policy that completely fails to address your inner child issues.
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