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  • Email: I don't keep email, hell, I don't want to know your email address and I sure as hell ain't going to give it to anybody else. After you email me and I send my reply (dripping, no doubt, with subtle sarcasm and witty dialogue), I'll be darn sure to delete your oh-so-valuable email address from my universe and forget I ever saw it.
  • Hit Logs: The info in my hit logs is sold every week to ConGlomo and DoubleClick and LLBean. All of whom now own your soul anyway, so I might as well get a slice of the pie. Life is hard.
  • Forum Posts: Since nobody posts to my forum, it makes little difference, eh?
  • Snailmail: If you manage to find out a snailmail address that works for me, I'll send you pictures of my butt. Also, you can rest assured that I'll copy your return address and send it to every adult product manufacturer in the free world requesting free samples and catalogues. You're welcome.
  • Telephone: I don't own one, I do everything over telegraph. Even my modem works on telegraph. Its very complicated.
  • Personal Visit: If you come to my house, and I don't invite you. You'll get eaten by my dog, Dayve. She's a mean littl.. er, I mean big monster dog. With HUGE teeth, dammit. Grrrr.
All of these are null and void if you are, or ever become, rich and/or famous. If that happens, I'll dredge up any personal information I have on you and sell it to any living soul who'll shell out a thin dime for it without a second thought.
What? That's it.
Faraway Stars and all characters/concepts contained within are the intellectual property of Brian West aka Tirdun. All persons depicted within are unrelated to anyone else in the known universe, any similarities are unlikely and unintentional and so on unless being used in fair use/parody format. These pages are viewable on any browser on any platform capable of looking at a page 700 pixels wide with pictures in 256 colors, since that's how big the comic (and pretty much everything else) is. I happen to like Opera, but you're probably reading this at work on the Internet Explorer your IS/IT department slammed onto your poor machine without pity. I'm sorry. If you have a text browser or are stuck at 640x480, then your system just sucks too much for me to bother. We do have a privacy policy that completely fails to address your inner child issues.
Faraway Stars is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.